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Seminar: EpiTools: A path to transparent, reproducible and reusable research

Seminar Presentation

Brian Sauer

Dr. Brian Sauer

Location: HSEB 4100B
Date: Jan. 12, 2012
Time: 4:15 pm


Dr. Brian Sauer's research interests include pharmacoepidemiology, comparative effectiveness research, medical informatics, and causal inference. His research utilizes large databases for adverse drug event surveillance and observational comparative effectiveness research. He serves on multiple working groups to develop guidelines for observational comparative effectiveness research. Dr. Sauer is leading the development of program modules that represent epidemiological workflows and are used to automate epidemiological investigation in the VINCI environment.


Epidemiological and health services research has been criticized as being unreliable. Scientific evidence is strengthened when the study procedures of important findings are transparent, open for review, and easily replicated by different investigators and in various settings. Many research studies have common scientific workflows and general execution engines can be developed to reuse epidemiological software for various clinical questions. Development of modular programs that chain to produce epidemiological pipelines automating components of the research process will support transparent and rapid response to Nationally important clinical and operational questions.