Kensaku Kawamoto, PhD, Guilherme Del Fiol, MD, PhD, Scott Narus, PhD, and Wendy Kohlman, MS featured in interview by the Salt Lake Tribune concerning cancer screening research.
Karen Eilbeck in collaboration with Aaron Quinlan and Mark Yandell of the UCGD and the Department of Human Genetics have authored a review article titled “Settling the score: variant prioritization...
Kensaku Kawamoto, Ph.D., associate Chief Medical Information Officer and assistant professor of Biomedical Informatics, has been appointed to a 3-year term on the U.S. Health Information Technology (HIT) Advisory Committee
Dr. Facelli, DBMI Vice-Chair and Associate Director for Biomedical Informatics, Center for Clinical and Translational Science has been selected to serve as the Chair for the University of Utah Senate...
Congratulations to five of our University of Utah Department of Biomedical Informatics alumni who were elected as inaugural fellows in the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics (IAHSI). We are...
We are pleased to announce that Katherine Sward, PhD, RN was awarded the Reed M Gardner Award for Faculty Excellence on April 18, 2017. She is a wonderful asset to...
Congratulations to our graduate, Dr. Jingran Wen, who received a BWF travel award for her distinguished poster presentation at the 2017 Association for Clinical and Translational Sciences annual meeting.
We congratulate Thomas Reese for being accepted onto the JAMIA 2017-2018 Student Editorial Board. The selection process for the JAMIA Student Editorial Board (SEB) is highly competitive. The SEB chooses...
Congratulations to Professor Gouripeddi’s student, Nicole Burnett, who presented to Utah State legislators on “Enabling an Air Quality Exposome for Salt Lake Citizens”.