Student Fellowships
Fellowships are available to support training in the Department of Biomedical Informatics. Applicants should be aware these funding sources are competitively sought after and acceptance into the program does not guarantee financial support.
The student will perform a set of specified tasks (20 hours per week)
US citizenship is not required for the application.
The Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Honor of Homer R. Warner, MD, PhD
The Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay Endowed Graduate Fellowship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fay in honor of Homer Warner, MD, PhD. The funds are designated to support an outstanding graduate student’s training in the Department of Biomedical Informatics.
Helmuth F. Orthner, PhD, FACMI, Endowed Fellowship
The Helmuth F. Orthner Fellowship was established in memory of Helmuth F. Orthner, PhD, FACMI. The purpose of the fellowship is to provide financial assistance through scholarships to deserving graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who demonstrate academic excellence and financial need.
Student Scholarships & Awards
Scholarships and Awards are available to support research in the Department of Biomedical Informatics. Applicants should be aware these funding sources are competitively sought after.
Founders’ Fund Research Endowment
The Founders’ Fund Research Endowment was established in honor of the Department of Biomedical Informatics’ three founders, T. Allan Pryor, Reed M. Gardner, and Homer Warner. The Founders’ Fund Research Fund provides $2,000 in supplementary funding for exemplary and innovative student research.
Joyce A. Mitchell, PhD, Endowed Scholarship
This endowment to celebrate Dr. Mitchell’s legacy will be used primarily to provide travel assistance to a worthy Biomedical Informatics student who has been accepted to present at a meeting or has been invited to participate at a meeting or other scholarly activity.
The Rolland H. Reiter Scholarship
The $6,000 Rolland H. Reiter Scholarship in Biomedical Informatics at the University of Utah is awarded to a master’s student chosen based on their interest and contributions to clinical application of biomedical informatics with emphasis in enhancing quality and/or reducing waste in medicine. The award will go towards their tuition.
The Bruce A. Houtchens, MD, Award Student Paper Competition
The award and prize of $2,000 is given to the winner of a paper competition. Students are invited to submit papers expressing original ideas and reasonably complete research or development efforts in the areas of biomedical informatics, health informatics or telemedicine, which is broadly defined as the application of computer, communication, or information technology to health care. The papers must have been submitted to journals and other entities. Any student attending the University of Utah is eligible to apply.
John D. Morgan, PhD, Award
The John D. Morgan Award is a $5,000 cash award presented each year to an outstanding PhD student in the Department of Biomedical Informatics. The awards committee will make the award based on the study of the following materials: student’s transcripts, NIH bio-sketch, recommendations by the applicants' supervisory committees and manuscripts submitted by the student. The student must also be approved as a PhD candidate by passing the qualifying examination following completion of the first year of Biomedical Informatics classwork.
Dr. T. Allan Pryor Endowed Scholarship
The Dr. T. Allan Pryor, PhD Endowed Scholarship was established in memory of Allan Pryor, PhD. The funds are designated to support an outstanding graduate student’s training in the Department of Biomedical Informatics.
Reed M. Gardner, PhD, Award for Faculty Excellence
The Reed M. Gardner award for Faculty Excellence was established in 2005 to acknowledge the contributions of faculty members to the Department of Biomedical Informatics and College of Nursing Informatics. The award was created by students to acknowledge the achievements of faculty members in the areas of teaching, mentoring, and service to the departments. The award is given annually after a competitive nomination and decision process supervised by a committee of students.
The award is named for Homer R. Warner, MD, PhD, a pioneer in the field of informatics and the founder of the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Utah. This $1,500 award is presented for the paper that best describes approaches to improving computerized information acquisition, knowledge data acquisition and management, and presents experimental results documenting the value of these approaches.

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