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Public Health Informatics Application Track

teaches students to apply informatics-based strategies to address population and public health problems and goals. Population health is a broad domain involving a variety of data sources (e.g., clinical, environmental, social media), stakeholders (e.g., individuals, communities, public health agencies, clinical settings), and strategies (e.g., surveillance, decision support, standards-based case reporting, consumer health, nutritional interventions). Students must demonstrate competency in

  • analyzing a population health problem, particularly focusing on prevention, exposure assessment, risk reduction, or disease control

  • using industry-standard strategies for communicating processes and system design

  • developing expertise in at least one informatics-related methodology (e.g., novel surveillance using NLP applied to social media, implementation of applied technology for behavioral health coordination of care)



BMI 6111 - Research Design I

BMI 6112 - Grant Writing

BMI 6120 - Standards in Biomedical Informatics

BMI 6010 - Foundations of Healthcare Informatics

BMI 6030 - Foundations of Bioinformatics

BMI 6018 - Introduction to Programming

BMI 6120 - Introduction to Population and Public Health

BMI 6106 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Biomedical Informatics

PHIL 7570 - Research Ethics

MDCRC 6010 - Intro to Epidemiology


BMI 6300 - Clinical Decision Support 

BMI 6102 - Human System Interactions

BMI 6016 - Biomedical Data Wrangling

PHS 7020 - Methods and Mechanics of Secondary Data Analysis 

PHS 7030 - Applied Modern Causal Inference  

PHS 7100 - Epidemiologic Theory and Methods

PBHLT 6700 - Environmental & Biological Science in Public Health

MDCRC 6110 - Intermediate Epidemiology





Sign up for at least one practicum to gain hands-on experience and work with a team on a project.

global health informatics

This is a hands-on, project based course with interdisciplinary experience in informatics activities in global health projects or resource-limited organizations and agencies. Integration of informatics content, skills, and role expectations is emphasized. Students will collaborate with global health partners in multi-disciplinary teams and synthesize informatics course content and apply to actual project/ site issues. Students interested in applying informatics methods or developing informatics methods for global health problems will find this of interest.

Please contact Ram Gouripeddi for more information.

Affiliated Faculty

DBMI: Julio Facelli; Per Gesteland, Pediatrics; Ram Gouripeddi; John Hurdle; Matthew Samore, Epidemiology; Wu Xu, Utah Department of Health;

Non-DBMI: Angie Fagerlin, PHS; Tom Greene, PHS; Rachel Hess, PHS; Maureen Murtaugh, Epidemiology; Christy Porucznik, F&PM/Public Health; Mike Rubin, Epidemiology; James Vanderslice, F&PM/Public Health.

PhD Application Deadlines

December 1st - Initial 

Online Application

Applications now open

December 31st - Final

Biomedical Informatics at the University of Utah